Word Documents Under Attack

A new threat on Word documents was recently found whereby attackers infect a user’s personal computer through Word documents. The attack targets a feature that allows the creator of the document to embed videos directly in Word files and users can play these videos without getting any security warnings. Microsoft Office programs have been a victim to embedded malware in the past, but it usually Read more »

Update your WooCommerce Plugin Immediately

Researchers at RIP Technologies warn people of a new vulnerability found in the wildly popular WooCommerce plugin. Users were first alerted about the issue a few weeks back after the release notes of the updated version. The release note stated: Versions 3.4.5 and earlier are affected by a handful of issues that allow Shop Managers to exceed their capabilities and perform malicious actions. According to Read more »

Never Download these Apps on your Smartphone

Smartphone apps have changed the way we live our lives. Just imagine how convenient it is now to do your online banking transactions, get takeaway delivered, and know what grocery products are on sale with just a few clicks on your phone. The side effect of this continuous desire for more convenience is that we become so dependent on these apps that we tend to Read more »

How to check if an email is a phishing scam

Phishing is an online scam used by attackers to trick you into sharing your personal information – such as bank account numbers, passwords and credit card numbers. It comes in the form of an email that includes a link to a phony website where you’ll be asked to fill in your information. If you’re not extra careful, your privacy might be compromised Phishing is becoming Read more »

WordPress Re-Direct Highlights Need for Regular Updates

Security researchers at Sucuri recently discovered a massive WordPress redirecting campaign targeting a two-year old vulnerability issue in tagDiv themes and a new vulnerability in Ultimate Member plugins. The tagDiv theme vulnerability was patched back in 2017, while the Ultimate Member plugin was patched as soon as the issue was discovered. However, several attacks have been made before the patches were done. Hackers targeting WordPress Read more »

Tips for Keeping Yourself Safe from Cybercrime

The Internet is a wonderful place to share, expand your network and discover the things you’re most passionate about. Over the years, it has become a world on its own, and has paved a way for new technologies and disruption patterns that many never even dreamed could exist. However, despite all the amazing things that the Internet has to offer, it also has a plague Read more »

Understanding Two-factor Authentication

With today’s increasing incidence of internet fraud, more and more websites and web applications are now using Two-Factor Authentication to heighten security. Companies such as Twitter, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and even Facebook have already implemented this security system to protect not only their websites, but their users as well. What is Two-Factor Authentication?   The previous basic security procedure only requires a simple username and Read more »

Why Do You Need an SSL Certificate?

What is an SSL Certificate? SSL or Secure Sockets Layers are small data files that authenticate the identity of a website through a cryptographic key. Once installed into the website server, it activates the https protocol (over port 443). Originally, SSL was used to secure credit card transactions, bank and data transfers, as well as logins. In recent years, however, it has slowly become the Read more »

Wordfence Works to Catch Plugins Hacker

Wordfence recently tracked down a hacker who used WordPress plugins to get into other people’s websites and publish spam content. The said plugin is called Display Widgets. If you are not on a WP Maintenance Program with us and are monitoring your own website, and have this installed on your site, remove it immediately!!! The author of the plugin was using it as a backdoor Read more »

The Horrors of Ransomware

Over the years, the world has encountered different types of malware that wreak havoc on our digital lives. But out of all these malicious software, perhaps, the most devastating is ransomware. Ransomware is the most advanced, and rapidly spreading malicious software – creeping across the world to attack both personal and business data. Some types of this malware lock computer screens and prevent the victim Read more »